Sunday, August 17, 2014


        Job was a man of remarkable character. He was a rich man, who had 500 yoke oxen, 1500 female donkeys, 7000 sheep and 3000 camels.  Nobody was like him for being .wealthy, fear of God, righteous, blameless and for loving his children and every member of the family. See Job 1:1-5.
        Seeing his righteous, Satan was trying to find fault in him. So, once a time, Satan came before God. At that he had access. So, when God saw him, He asked him if Job is faithful to Him. This time, he told God, saying that Job is good because you blessed him. Satan also suggested if He takes away every possession, he would curse Him.  Satan suggested this idea, so that God would test Job.  This time, God put everything Job had under Satan’s power.   Thereby; Job lost all his property. His sons and daughters were also killed by a great tornado while they were having a great party in their house. When all this happened, Job was sorry, but never charged God with wrong.  See Job 1:13-22.  Satan was not pleased in this.

        Another time, God saw Satan in Heaven, after Job lost everything. This time, He asked him, if there is something wrong with the faith of Job. When he got a chance, Satan suggested to God, if he has a hard time, he would curse Him. Then, God giving power to Satan, but warning him not take his life, He told him to go. With the given power, Satan attacked the entire body of Job with boils. See Job 2:7-8 and 30:30.

        When Job was sick, his wife told him to curse God. Job refused to make sin with his lips. His friends, Elipaz ,  Bildad and Zophar  also came to comfort him. They were sorry, when they saw the painful body of Job. See Job 2:11-13.

        Above, you have seen that Satan had an access in the Old Testament to stand as a Heavenly Council in front of God, and he had also a special authority to investigate affairs on earth. See Zachariah 3:1-2.

        Moreover; once upon a time, Joshua, the High Priest, was standing in front of the angel of the Lord. Satan, also standing at Joshua’s right hand side, was ready to accuse Joshua. When he opened his mouth, the Lord said: Satan you are wrong. Jerusalem is my city.  This man is also mine. He was rescued like a stick from a flaming fire.

When Joshua was standing, his clothes were filthy. So, the angel told some of the people to remove Joshua’s filthy clothes.  God forgave his sin. He dressed him with priestly clothes. See Zech. 3:1-4.  Now in the New Testament, Satan is powerless.

        Satan, the accuser of brothers is over thrown from Heaven. So, in the New Testament, he has no access to accuse brothers, but still he is still deceiving brothers.

In the New Testament, Jesus died for humanity to break the power of Satan, who had the power of death. Jesus has destroyed death.  See Revelation 12:10, Hebrew 2:14 and 2nd Timothy 1:10 respectively.      
         There is solution when Satan attacks a believer. We learn a lot from the richest and righteous man who was called Job. Living in the Old Testament in the Near East, Job is a model example to learn patience in times of adversity.   

               According to the principle of Job, when one is attacked by Satan to control lips and refrain from speaking against God is the formula to win the war against evil spirit.  This principle still works in the New Testament. Death and life is in the tongue.  So, like that of the Old Testament, in the New Testament as well, one should not open his mouth to speak against God, when he passes from one problem to the other.  

                 Speaking against God is a deadly sin.  In times adversity, instead of speaking against God, pick up the helmet of salvation, read the word of God and pray without ceasing and with supplication. See Eph.   6:17-18.

According to the Book of Proverb 1:7, fear of God is the beginning of Knowledge. Righteousness is also the beginning of salvation. So, when one receives salvation, he must be aware to do well is right, because God has done a good thing for him.

Moreover; after salvation, a believer should never become idle. This instruction boils down to the era of  the New Testament.  In this period, unless otherwise; one testifies what the Lord has done for him and also about His goodness, he should never has been a believer in the first place. Besides that,  one should also note that, in times of adversity and persecution he must be patient focusing on the Lord, waiting for his salvation.  Thus, for the kind of remarkable believer, brothers must pray for him, encourage him, appreciate him and praise him, so that he would endure suffering and persecution for the sake of the Lord.   See James 5:10.

God that kept Heavenly mysterious secrets from the beginning revealed to Job wisdom and patience.  Due to that, he became a model example. Do you remember how patient Job was and how much the Lord helped him?  The Lord has shown His mercy, peace, grace and kindness for Job when he passes though lots of catastrophes.  Source James 5:11.  

Consequently, therefore; we learn a lot from Job, because he suffered without losing faith.  Since Job is known for his excellence of patience/ or paragon of patience,/  in the history of mankind, taking time and  waiting for the Lord  in times of adversity, becoming strong in his  faith, Job has become a model example for all times.  

Even though; Satan took away his prosperity and killed his kids, his intention was to destroy his faith.  Unlike the idea of Satan, however; all lose did not shake the faith of Job. Rather, when all things and children were taken away, he only said:Yahweh gives. Yahweh takes away. Blessed be the name of Yahweh. See Job 1:21.

When Job did not murmur and his intrigue failed, Satan proposed to God, to strike him with severe sores from his head to his feet. Though, God gave him the permission, to strike him with boils,  ignoring his wife’s suggestion to open his mouth and curse God,  he was sitting alone in the city.

The fact that Job spoke nothing against the Lord is a good lesson for us. Suppose now;  if  we are  attacked  by the evil, there is nothing  we  can do, except:  a) praying without ceasing, b) proclaiming  and declaring that no weapon formed against him shall prosper. See Isaiah 54:17.

 And yet, if one is still under attack; he must still continue to   praise the Lord, serve the Lord, worship the Lord, sing for the Lord, and dance for the Lord and continue paying tithes and offerings to the House of God.

The attack of Satan never comes to an end until Jesus comes for the 2nd time, and yet,  if he  still continues to attack you, there is no need to get to be desperate, get angry, feel worry or feel depression, because if one is depressed, he would first lose the battle and then the war of fighting. Wave comes and wave goes way, so does the attack of Satan.  It comes in and it goes away. So, in all occasions the believer has to stay firm in his faith, win the war.   What else can we say when we have nothing more to add. 

Consequently, therefore; whenever; you are under attack, rejoice in the Lord. This helps for the growth of your faith. Remember that, to be glad in the Lord is a necessary ingredient for your joyful survival.  See Phil. 4:4. When your faith in the Lord grows, you come to maturity. Therefore; in all seasons, bright days and gloomy nights, weeks and months, you should meditate the word, so that you would have a wonderful relationship with the Lord.
If you fail to make relationship with God and if you fail to meet the standards set by the Lord,   such as doing the will of God and obey the Lord, you have no shelter. Sitting at the crossroad of your life, you have no-where to go. So, come and hide in God, so that the Devil would not devour you.  

By Molla Nigatu


The Best Position for Prayer

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Agape Love of God

Everything people do is good, but if they are not aware that God controls their history focusing on business, they need to pause and think.   
Money of course; alleviates poverty and other problems that man faces. Of course; money lubricates the way people think, as grease lubricates an old squeaking and noisy car.
Nonetheless;  if   people spend  their time and spiritual life to accumulate wealth, everything ends up in vain.  Many who fill their mind with the mentality of accumulating money  up with nothing.
 With the willing of God to be wealthy is good, otherwise; it is an illusion. Without accepting Jesus as their Savior, if they toil day and night to make money without giving their heart for God; their vision of accumulation of wealth becomes meaningless. When this happens, God says: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich enter into the Kingdom of God. See Matthew 19:24.
Love of money and love of God, do not go together.  One cannot serve two masters.  See Matthew 6:24.
Nonetheless; when one comes with a repentance heart, God of agape love says: Come! I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you. I am gentle and humble in Spirit. I will give you rest... See Matt. 11:28-30. So, what is the dilemma?  When the Lord says, come, it is good to accept Him as a Savior. For those who say: Yes, God reveals His Heavenly secrets.   When God accepts people, their Salvation grows. God does not leave anybody, turning bad things into good, and rolling around, over and over, the wheel of their history, He transforms their faith to a higher spiritual level of understanding.  
Cool! After people receive Jesus as their Savior, their name is recorded in the Book of Life, if not; their name is recorded just in the archives of history.   
N.B.    Some people, even if they do not accept Jesus as their Lord, they know that Jesus is Savior of the world. That is good, but is not enough.  
Knowing about Jesus and accepting Jesus as ones personal Savior are two different things.  To keeping on and wait for the Lord is good. When it comes to reconciliation to move forward and take step is good. King David is a model example in this.  Waiting and focusing on the Lord, he climbed up on the ladder of righteousness.
Just like King David, if a leader fears God, he becomes fair in his administration, honest and just in his character. God rewards him. He writes his name in the Book of life. This is something that we should aspire for.  God Al-Mighty is looking for  right leaders. His eyes are running to and fro to support those, whose heart is perfect to Him. See 2ND Chronicles 16:9.  
 Therefore; if you want your name to be recorded in the Book of Life, it is wisdom to accept Jesus as your Savior. After that life is simple. Bowing down and kneeling before the Lord, you worship Jesus, King of kings.   See Psalm 95:6-7.
  God, controls history.   Under His guidance, history of the world is going on in accordance to His word.  To grab some clue, let us scan through the triple Os of God.      
           1) Omnipotent God- means God is all powerful- Things impossible for man are possible for Omnipotent God. See Matthew. 19:26. El- Shaddai, is one of the Hebrew names of God. It means God Al-Mighty, or All sufficient Mighty God.   
2)  Omniscient God means- Al-Mighty God knows everything.  His understanding is without limit.  See Psalm 147:5. Wisdom is from God. He shares His wisdom with Jesus. So, Jesus knows Father God plus everything in the universe. Jesus does not hold things we need to know, but tells we need to know. He lets us know God and a lot of stuff.    See Matthew 11:27
 3) Omnipresent means God is everywhere. He is everywhere. No-one can hide from Him.   See Jeremiah 23:24- In this connection, David says: God!  Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go to Heaven, you are there. If I go to earth, you are there. See Psalm 139:7-8.
 The power of God is beyond imagination. Besides His unlimited power, He is also the source of love. In return, for His love however; He expects us to be transparent of love saying: He, who does not love others, does not know me.Thus, since God is love, let us love each other.   See 1st John 4:7-8.  After this, focusing on agape love, we are going to scan through bout brotherly love- Philos. 
N.B.   Love, an emotional regard, reconciles people with God, unites people with people, regardless of their sex, religion, tradition, culture and nationality.
People, who love others, smile first. So, they maximize healing in their life. As a result of that, they become healthy, nice looking and sociable, and there is no struggle in that.  It takes fewer muscles to smile, while many muscles to frown.  
Without love, life is messed up.  With love, life changes for good. When one loves others, his problems are simplified.  The vanguard of this secret Jesus, the Son of God, has sealed the reality of this, crucified on the Cross.   
 According to Galatians 6:7, you reap what you saw. When Jesus crucified for the sinners, Al-Mighty God raising Him from death, gave Him all power and authority. With His power and authority, conquering the evil, transforming the Old Testament into the New Testament, He paved the road of salvation.   Jesus is not only our righteous, but also our hope.       
One might boast of his wealth and power, beauty of his wife and prosperity. All these things are good to a degree, but the love of God and the salvation of God excel all things.
When one loves God, he rejoices. When he rejoices, he expresses his love saying:” I love the Lord with all my flesh, soul and spirit. I sing songs in remembrance of what He did at Calvary, and continuous singing for the Lord.
Oh! Lord, Oh! Lord. X2
You hung on the Cross= 2 times
Oh! Lord of Calvary! X2
 O!  Lord! Your blood! X2
You’re Blood that you shed at Calvary-X2
 O!  Lord! Your blood! X2
   Crucified on the Cross,
Sacrificing your life, buried in Calvary,
Oh! Jesus, you come back to life.
Conquering both evil and death,
Coming out from the belly of the earth,
Walking in the streets of Jerusalem

Giving evidence that the Bible is worthy
Proving that you are Savior of the world
Confirming, you are Son of God.
 Saving souls of your disciples,
We celebrate Sunday, Easter Sunday
It is the day of resurrection
The day, Jesus began His mission of Salvation.
Then after walking in the city of Jerusalem,
Jesus rose up to heaven,
Sitting on the right hand of God,  
Now, He is mediating on our behalf,
Now, with His affection, wonderful affection
          He takes us home one by one.  See Romans 8:34.   
Nothing separates us from the love of Christ.  Trouble, suffering, and hard time, hunger, nakedness, danger or death cannot separate us from the love of Jesus? See Romans 8:35
We declare in our mouth, that Jesus is Lord.  We believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead.  We are saved, justified to be called righteous. So, let us profess in our mouth that Jesus is Lord.  See Roman 10:9-10.
Molla Nigatu