Tuesday, November 4, 2014

History of Satan

History of Satan

Lucifer was one of the angels of God. At that time, he was the servant of God. But he did not like that position. He did not want to be called angel. Instead; he had the pursuit of aspiring for a higher position, and in his heart, he said:” I will ascend into the Heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit upon the Mount of Congregation, in the north side. I will ascend above the height of clouds and I will be like the Most the Most High God. See Isaiah 14:12-14. That did not work. When he wanted to put himself at a higher position, God, decided to bring him down to hell. See Isaiah 14:15.

Lucifer, son of the morning Star fell to the ground, because of that, he is known as Fallen Angel. After he falls down, he tries to weaken individuals, tribes and nations.

Since Pre-Adam time Satan has existed. The existence of Satan is not fantasy, but is real. See 1st Peter 5:8. Regarding this, the Bible says: "Your enemy, the Devil prowls like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."

At first as an angel of the Lord, Lucifer was the servant of God. In the Book of Isaiah 14:12-15, the history of Satan is described. Because of his pride to be God, and his desire to be ruler the whole universe, he was casted from Heaven, and his name became fallen angel.

Christians believe Satan acts as leader of the fallen angels. These demons, existing in the form of invisible spirit affect us. However; do not worry. This Satan, which rebelled against God, is now under the control of God, though, he pretends as angel of light. Even then, be careful. He deceives humans. Since the time of Adam and Eve, he is still deceiving. See Genesis Chapter 3 for more understanding.

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