Saturday, October 10, 2015

Don’t compromise your faith
      The word seduce is to entice / or to turn away / from proper behavior- I feel pain in my heart, when I hear this word, because there is imminent danger, whenever we mention the word seduce.
      Be strong in the Lord. Read the Bible, the window that enables focus on God and guide you to enter eternity.
Read the Bible always.  Meditate the word day and night.  Do not quit your habit of reading the Bible.  Refrain from other things.  They seduce your faith in Christ. Apart from spiritual tardiness, you might seduce your body, when you spend time watching TV, or you might feel weak due to physical weariness. 
      When you spend time listening to TV or stay for a long time on face book you waste time.  You might also be brainwashed. You might also be distracted and exposed to some sort of evil temptation.  In general terms,  mixing secular, especially romantic thoughts, with faith in Christ is a dangerous thing and remember that, whenever we experience one of such habits, we would for sure, dilute our faith in Christ.  Many social affairs that we hear on TV are incompatible with biblical truth.  So, read the word without ceasing and pray without ceasing.      
The more we spend time listening to radio, watching TV or stay on face book, the more we blend our faith in Jesus that we built up for years.  The problem intensifies when we repeatedly spend time on these things. Even strong believers would reduce their faith, when they follow such kind of life style.
Mass media is great, but sometimes persuades someone to do something on the pretext of  granting some gift. Take for example; advertisement.  On the pretext of sale, probably deducting a certain percentage on a certain item sometimes if not always would entice the public on holy days. By this time, the multitude buys a lot of unnecessary things, outside their budget.  
   Here let us remember one thing. When a fisherman attaches a piece of meat into a hook, he seduces the fish to eat the piece of meat and as a result of eating  that spoiled meat, the fish dies, as Adam died eating a spoiled apple in the Garden of Eden, enticed by the evil.   
Since time of immemorial throughout history, beginning from Adam, Satan practices such type of deception. 
Seduction is one of the most powerful tools used by Satan. Using his old deception Satan still leads Godly people into destruction. Saints, ministers, pastors and teachers are not exceptional. Instead of offending and commanding Satan, they submit and fall into seducing spirit.  The Bible tells us that in the last days, people turn away from their faith.  We are witness for this.  We see all over the place, when many are deceived.  - 1st Timothy 4:1 

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