Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Molla Nigatu is the author of 4 books:

Insight into Ethiopia
Ethiopia is museum of history. Materials covered in this book include transference of Ethiopian heritage to young generations, Sheba's and Ark's history, Amharic language and alphabet, information for tourists, and prayer for Ethiopian development.  You can get the book at Amazon: Insight into Ethiopia

Shaking Hands with Jesus
When we understand God’s compassionate love and obey the standards He sets, for our life, coming close to us, He makes a hand shake with us.  You can get the book at Amazon: Shaking Hands with Jesus

Visitation of Heaven
The watershed of history and restoration of life starts with salvation. After believers restore their life, Jesus gives some "Holy Ghost Wings," that enable them to fly and testify about the gospel for others. Sometimes, He also allows some to visit heaven, so that they would spread the word after they come back from heaven.  You can get the book at Amazon: Visitation of Heaven

Christian Living
     When people surrender and seek God, they are blessed. When they disobey, they suffer. For example; after the Lord found people of Sodom and Gomorrah guilty of same-sex spree, He destroyed them with fire from heaven. See Genesis 19: 24. 
     When He found Babylonians building a tall tower for their glory, He confounded their language. –See Genesis 11:7-9. He also destroyed with the great flood that occurred in 2300 B.C.
     The plan of God for man is perfect, because He is our father. A good father punishes his kids so that they would be great leaders for their nations and righteous people all the time.   You can get the book at Amazon Christian Living

Monday, May 5, 2014

Let Us Pray

Satan is thief. So, first of all let us bind him. “How can you enter into the house of a strong man and plunder his goods unless you first bind him:” says the Lord. See Matthew 12:29. 

If we pray in the name of Jesus, there is power. When we pray in His name, chains are broken. So, let us bind Demon first. Demon! Go out of here in the name of Jesus. Now, we can pray. The atmosphere is clear and safe.

Oh! God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we pray. Let it be known today that you are God in the entire world. Oh! God, change us. Change the heart of people who believe in idols. They should know that you are Lord of the universe. Reveal yourself to us. We like to worship you in Spirit. Pour upon us your Spirit. We like to worship you in Spirit. We pray. See 1st King 18: 36-37.

Oh! God, we confess our confidence in you. You are our Rock. You are our garment of salvation. You are our Defense. Oh! God, we surrender to you. Our soul, finds rest in you. Our hope comes from you. See Psalm 62:5. 


If you really understand the Kingdom of God, and if you understand your status and position in the Kingdom of God, and if you understand how much God loves you, then it is easier for you to understand, your Heavenly inheritance, status, protection, guidance, revelation and provision that God arranges for you.

Holy Spirit does not seek righteousness. He is righteous Himself. Holy Spirit does not seek to be mysterious. He is mysterious Himself. Holy Spirit does not seek blessings. He is a blessing for the entire universe.

Man seeks to get blessings, righteousness and a wonderful life. All these things are cool, but he who wants to get these blessings, must be born again first. If he is not born again, heck on wheels. The Devil slices and dices him. At this point, one might ask why he needs to receive Jesus as his Savior. Relationship with Father God is only possible through Jesus Christ, because He is the way to salvation and ladder for a believer to mount and receive Holy Spirit. See John 14:6. In other words Jesus is also the door for salvation. Whoever enters through Him is saved. See John 10:9.   

He who connects with Holy Spirit through Jesus renews his mind and transforms his spiritual life. Thereafter; he enjoys the promises that God made a promise for His believers.

Nonetheless; if one fails to make Jesus his Savior, then, he fails to renew his mind and spirit. He becomes ignorant to establish relationship with Holy Ghost. This happens when the Devil blindfolds him. In this connection God says: ”The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, Jesus comes to give you life.” See John 10:10

Because they were blindfolded, ancient Greeks, Pharisees, philosophers and scholars did not understand why they nailed Jesus on the Cross. It is pity that their wisdom did not reveal about Jesus, Holy Spirit and the mysterious mind of God. To one’s surprise throughout the Ages, the fact that Jesus is the Messiah has always been a hidden knowledge for philosophers and carnal minded.

Had wisdom of this world knew about this, Pharisees could not have nailed glorious Jesus on the Cross! See John 10:6.

When Jesus was preaching, Pharisees did not understand what He was teaching. Their mind was blocked to understand the truth. This is a good lesson for us. Let us stop rejecting Jesus. Let us submit for Him, so that He would open our spiritual eyes.

Holy Spirit

In the beginning the earth was formless, empty and dark. Holy Spirit was hovering over that formless earth. Jesus was there. Seeing the formless earth and its darkness, Jesus separating the light from the darkness, He gave light to the earth through Holy Spirit. See Genesis 1:4.

Originally, you were created from the earth, clay of soil. Now you are a man. If you are born only once you are carnal minded and that is not enough. You must be born again. Evangelists filled with Holy Spirit are hovering around you to enlighten you with Holy Spirit. They tell you that Jesus is the source of life. They tell you without Holy Spirit, you are nothing, and without Jesus you are nothing.

Jesus works through Holy Spirit to give you light. If you accept Jesus, you renew your mind. You transform your Spirit. If you are willing to accomplish this, you will become the light of the world.

Apparently, therefore; if you want salvation and if you want to know Heavenly secrets, receive Jesus as your Savior. Then, filled with Holy Spirit, you will lay down the foundation for your Eternal Life.

There is nothing good for your spirit, but Holy Spirit. If you believe in the Spirit of God, you will become an optimist faithful man of God. If not, you remain an optimist carnal minded.

Holy Spirit is not interested in carnal minded person. Because of that, He does not work with him. This boils down to one point. If you are such a person, you need Holy Spirit to renew your mind, to transform your Spiritual life and to understand the truth and the mighty wisdom of God. See 1st Cor. 2:1-10.

In spiritual realm, to join the Kingdom of God, excels the Kingdom of the earth. “What good is for someone to gain the whole world, and yet, he loses his soul:”says the Lord. See Matthew 16:26 and Mark 8:36

Suppose; if someone offers you to be a king of a country, at the expense of your salvation, prefer to be a typical person. It is not good to sell your salvation.

Concerning this, there is a major problem in the secular world. Let us take a scenario saying a man is governor of a state or president of a country. If this man renews his mind and transforms his spiritual life and rules in righteousness, instead of conforming to the desires of this world, and if he is in fear of God, he is like light of sunshine on a cloudless morning. See 2nd Sam 23:1-2.

If such a leader focuses on the world for the sake of its glory, passions, desires, lusts and corruption, he becomes dictator, hypocrite, aggressive, ethno centrist, puppet and evil.

Of course; in the beginning after he gains power he might be happy, but at the end, all his self glory withers away. He loses hope. He becomes desperate. He visits multiple hospitals. Nothing satisfies him, even though everything in the country is under his command. See Psalm 73. You can check the biography of ruthless leaders in the entire world. The same thing is true in wrong Church leaders as well.

To one’s surprise, there are wrong Churches that do not care about Holy Spirit. These Churches conforming to the life style of this world, they face major spiritual problems.

In reference to the Church of Corinthians, Paul writes about this. The same kind of problem still exists in many modern Churches. So, let us pray for them. As of the Corinthian Church, herewith is the story.

Before 60 A.D, the Corinthian Church received Jesus as its Savior. After a while; typical believers and leaders of the Church alike, lagged behind in the renewal of their spiritual life. Because of this, Paul was forced to write a letter telling them how to experience life in the guidance of Holy Spirit. He told them, because they are infants in Christ, carnal minded and mere humans. He also told them because they conformed to worldly way of life. Finally, he told them to stop drinking milk of the word, but instead to start eating solid food. See 1st Corinthians 3:1-4.

Church! This is a good lesson. If so, let us grow in our salvation. Let us train ourselves to be Godly. Let us control our bad behavior. If we want to live right, let us say NO, to such ungodly passions. See Titus 2:12.

The message of: “Swim in River of God,” is hard to understand for non-believers. If so, first, let us receive Jesus as our Savior. Second, let us train ourselves how to renew our mind, and third, let us understand the role of water in the spiritual world so that we can have enough training to “Swim in River of God. “ Without the compliance of the above truth, we cannot be righteous, and without righteousness, it is an abomination to worship God. See Amos 5:21.

Train Yourself to be Godly

Paul tells us to discipline ourselves to live Godly. However; transformation does not come all at once. It takes time to learn how to discipline ourselves. But let us never give up, because discipline corrects us, molds us and gives us perfection. Discipline comes from nowhere, but from our mind. Because of this, the word of God says: ”Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind, you can prove what is in the mind of God, and for you, what is in His mind is good, acceptable and perfect. See Romans 12:1-2. Nonetheless; unless otherwise; we meditate the word of God this will not come to pass.

Of course; meditating the word is not enough. We must also put into practice in our life, everything we meditate, because as we put into practice the word of God in our life, we transform in our inner being. This happens because our old sin and all our old habits give way to transformation. Just as physical exercise is for our body; all our spiritual life also needs training.

Therefore; let us train ourselves to:
  • Present our body, as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable onto God. See Roman 12:1.
  • Renew our mind, so that avoiding lusts of this world, if we transform and renew our mind, we would prove what is good, acceptable and perfect will of God- See Rom. 12:2
There are two messages in Romans 12:2.  
  1. If we love the world, we do not love God. Therefore; we should not be conformed to this world.
  2. To transform and renew of our mind.
You might think that this is hard. Training works. There is no sweet without sweat. Jesus is our model example. While He was on earth, Holy Spirit was the source of His power. In the same way, let us train ourselves how to live right. Let us walk as Jesus walked while He was in flesh.
We learn friends how training changes life. Take the case Abeba Bikila from Ethiopia. Running barefoot he became World Marathon Champion in 1960, 1964 and in 1968, because he presented his feet to strict training.

If we train ourselves to live right, running away from the evil, we can renew our mind and transform our spiritual life. If Abebe trains himself to be Champion of Marathon, then training ourselves, we can live right. Is that okay for you?

God, the righteous judge is not aloof from our life. He knows everything we do. In His face, the wicked falls of his own wickedness. God is also a righteous judge. He gives favor for the righteous. So, He pays attention to anything we do. With that in mind, He corrects, one who conforms to this world and rewards one who transforms and renews his mind. See Psalm 7:11. 

God cares for those who transform their mind and adversely; He punishes those who conform to the lusts of the world. In doing so, searching the minds and hearts of people, He brings to an end the violence of the wicked and searching the minds and hearts of righteous people, He secures their life. See Psalm 79.

N.B. - the wicked that conforms to things of the world is motivated to destroy people of God. Had it not been for His protection, the righteous would have died out. Herewith; is Part I, evidence to show God punishes the wicked. Next we have also = Part II, evidence to show God rewards the righteous.      

God Punishes the Guilty

Abel and Cain
Everything has a beginning. Abel and Cain were the two boys in the world. Cain conforms to the things of this world. So, he was selfish. He did not love God. He killed his brother. He tried to give offering to God, but He was not interested in his offering. Without a good offering, and without good heart, he tried to offer sacrifice to God, but God looking at his heart did not look at his offering. Since then, in the eye of God, when a bad man worships, it is an abomination to God. . See Amos 5:21   
Abel worshipped God in the right way. Cain was not pleased in such things. After a while, Cain killed Abel, his brother. Domestic violence started at that time. The Bible says that the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. See John 10:10. Herewith; see the story how the two brothers fight.

Absalom, the son of David was running after power and authority of his father. To take power from his father, /King David, / he broke out war against him. In the war-field, while galloping upon a mule, under the thick great oak, his long hair was caught up by the branches of that oak. While the mule went through, he remained hanging between heaven and earth. See 2nd Sam 18:9. In case; if you are a person like Absalom; Heaven will not accept you. Watch out! The earth will also reject you. So, it is good for you to be nice.

Sodom and Gomorrah
Lot was a righteous man in Sodom and Gomorrah in 1850 B.C. The rest of the people were evil. Since, he was against the lawless people of the land, God rescued him See 2nd Peter 2:7.
People of Sodom and Gomorrah were deadly sinners in their life style. So, God destroyed them with brimstone and fire from heaven. Only one man, Lot was sick of the immorality of these guys. So, God destroyed them. He only rescued Lot and his family. See Genesis 19: 24


Jehu, who was king of Israel in 1840’s B.C, went to a place called Jezreel hunting for Jezebel. After he arrived to her residence, he headed towards her gate. Adoring herself, peeping through the window, she saw Jehu as he entered into her gate. Then looking at him, she said:” ….you, murder of your master.” When she said that, Jehu commanded his men to toss her down from the upper floor to the ground. His men threw her down. Her blood spattered on the wall and on the horses and everywhere. Jehu trampled her underfoot. When she died, he and his company left. Dogs ate all of her body, with the exception of her skull, feet and the palms of her hands. This happened in accordance of the prophecy of Elijah. See 2nd Kings 9:30-37.


After Esther married the king, Merdoccai told her not to reveal to anyone that she was a Jew, because the king’s highest official, Haman, hated Jews just like Adolf Hitler of 1940s. Eager to get power, Haman tricked the King to kill all Jews in the Persian Empire. Unfortunately; when his trick exposed, he was hanged on a pole 127 feet high. With the protection of God, people of Israel were safe. This happened, because of the prayer of Mordeccai and Ester. Even though; the plan of Haman was to wipe out all Jews, the prayer of Ester foiled the plan of this evil man. See Ester Chapter 4:14.

God Rewards the Righteous

At first God made covenant relationship with Abraham in about 2000 B.C. Then He made covenant relationship with Isaac in 1900 B.C and then He made covenant relationship with Jacob in about 1800 B.C. According to the Covenant relationship, God gave the Promise Land /Canaan/ to be a country for these patriarchs to be their land for their generations.  
In the mean time, God became silent for four hundred thirty years. In this long time, people of Israel became slaves in Egypt. While they were slaves, they suffered a lot.
God saw in 1350 BC, when people of Israel suffered from slavery. Because of this, He renewed His covenant relationship with Moses. When God renewed His covenant relationship with Moses, He said, ”I have seen the affliction of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cry. I will deliver them from the land of Egypt. I will bring them to Canaan, the land of honey and milk with a strong arm and outstretched hand." See Exodus 3:7-8 and Exodus 6:1.

Gideon was at first a timid person, but when filled with Holy Spirit, he became the mightiest commander and liberator of Israel.

Joshua is another. While he was in Egypt he was an ordinary slave, but when Moses on their way to the Promise Land laid his hands up on him and prayed for him, he became the most ardent follower of Jesus. To be a man of God is good. When filled with Holy Spirit, the Lord speaks by you. His word will be on your tongue. See 2nd Sam. 23:1-2.


Women, besides taking the leading role in delivering babies, taking care of the household management, they also raise their kids in a proper way. On the top of that, they work hard, taking power in offices; they take care of the right job. Also, stepping forward in chaotic conditions, they bring order and peace in their countries. Some of these women are like Queen Esther of Persia and Queen Sheba of Ethiopia.
Esther is one of the powerful women in world history. Her story takes place in Susa, the capital of Persian Empire. After King Xerxes divorced his queen, he married her and made her the new queen of the Persian Empire. Before she married the king, Esther was raised by Medicaid, her cousin. He was working as a palace official. When Haman tried to wipe out Israel, in the Persian Empire, praying for three days, Ester saved Israel from the attempted genocide. See Esther Chap. 4.

Queen Sheba
Queen Sheba linked the political, social and religious relationship between Ethiopia and Israel in 960 B.C. See 1st Kings Chapter 10. Also see Luke 10:31 how she judges the wicked in Heaven. All this happens because she loves God.

Invitation for Salvation

If there is anyone, who does not accept Jesus as his/her Savior, it is time to accept Him as his Savior.

When you decide to receive salvation, the Spirit of God, says:” Come.” The bride of Christ, / the Church / also keep on saying,” Come!” Everybody who hears this also says:” Come.” The Lord also says:” Anyone thirsty; whosoever; desires, let him take the waters of life freely. “See Rev. 22:17.