Monday, May 5, 2014

God Punishes the Guilty

Abel and Cain
Everything has a beginning. Abel and Cain were the two boys in the world. Cain conforms to the things of this world. So, he was selfish. He did not love God. He killed his brother. He tried to give offering to God, but He was not interested in his offering. Without a good offering, and without good heart, he tried to offer sacrifice to God, but God looking at his heart did not look at his offering. Since then, in the eye of God, when a bad man worships, it is an abomination to God. . See Amos 5:21   
Abel worshipped God in the right way. Cain was not pleased in such things. After a while, Cain killed Abel, his brother. Domestic violence started at that time. The Bible says that the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. See John 10:10. Herewith; see the story how the two brothers fight.

Absalom, the son of David was running after power and authority of his father. To take power from his father, /King David, / he broke out war against him. In the war-field, while galloping upon a mule, under the thick great oak, his long hair was caught up by the branches of that oak. While the mule went through, he remained hanging between heaven and earth. See 2nd Sam 18:9. In case; if you are a person like Absalom; Heaven will not accept you. Watch out! The earth will also reject you. So, it is good for you to be nice.

Sodom and Gomorrah
Lot was a righteous man in Sodom and Gomorrah in 1850 B.C. The rest of the people were evil. Since, he was against the lawless people of the land, God rescued him See 2nd Peter 2:7.
People of Sodom and Gomorrah were deadly sinners in their life style. So, God destroyed them with brimstone and fire from heaven. Only one man, Lot was sick of the immorality of these guys. So, God destroyed them. He only rescued Lot and his family. See Genesis 19: 24


Jehu, who was king of Israel in 1840’s B.C, went to a place called Jezreel hunting for Jezebel. After he arrived to her residence, he headed towards her gate. Adoring herself, peeping through the window, she saw Jehu as he entered into her gate. Then looking at him, she said:” ….you, murder of your master.” When she said that, Jehu commanded his men to toss her down from the upper floor to the ground. His men threw her down. Her blood spattered on the wall and on the horses and everywhere. Jehu trampled her underfoot. When she died, he and his company left. Dogs ate all of her body, with the exception of her skull, feet and the palms of her hands. This happened in accordance of the prophecy of Elijah. See 2nd Kings 9:30-37.


After Esther married the king, Merdoccai told her not to reveal to anyone that she was a Jew, because the king’s highest official, Haman, hated Jews just like Adolf Hitler of 1940s. Eager to get power, Haman tricked the King to kill all Jews in the Persian Empire. Unfortunately; when his trick exposed, he was hanged on a pole 127 feet high. With the protection of God, people of Israel were safe. This happened, because of the prayer of Mordeccai and Ester. Even though; the plan of Haman was to wipe out all Jews, the prayer of Ester foiled the plan of this evil man. See Ester Chapter 4:14.

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