Monday, May 5, 2014

Holy Spirit

In the beginning the earth was formless, empty and dark. Holy Spirit was hovering over that formless earth. Jesus was there. Seeing the formless earth and its darkness, Jesus separating the light from the darkness, He gave light to the earth through Holy Spirit. See Genesis 1:4.

Originally, you were created from the earth, clay of soil. Now you are a man. If you are born only once you are carnal minded and that is not enough. You must be born again. Evangelists filled with Holy Spirit are hovering around you to enlighten you with Holy Spirit. They tell you that Jesus is the source of life. They tell you without Holy Spirit, you are nothing, and without Jesus you are nothing.

Jesus works through Holy Spirit to give you light. If you accept Jesus, you renew your mind. You transform your Spirit. If you are willing to accomplish this, you will become the light of the world.

Apparently, therefore; if you want salvation and if you want to know Heavenly secrets, receive Jesus as your Savior. Then, filled with Holy Spirit, you will lay down the foundation for your Eternal Life.

There is nothing good for your spirit, but Holy Spirit. If you believe in the Spirit of God, you will become an optimist faithful man of God. If not, you remain an optimist carnal minded.

Holy Spirit is not interested in carnal minded person. Because of that, He does not work with him. This boils down to one point. If you are such a person, you need Holy Spirit to renew your mind, to transform your Spiritual life and to understand the truth and the mighty wisdom of God. See 1st Cor. 2:1-10.

In spiritual realm, to join the Kingdom of God, excels the Kingdom of the earth. “What good is for someone to gain the whole world, and yet, he loses his soul:”says the Lord. See Matthew 16:26 and Mark 8:36

Suppose; if someone offers you to be a king of a country, at the expense of your salvation, prefer to be a typical person. It is not good to sell your salvation.

Concerning this, there is a major problem in the secular world. Let us take a scenario saying a man is governor of a state or president of a country. If this man renews his mind and transforms his spiritual life and rules in righteousness, instead of conforming to the desires of this world, and if he is in fear of God, he is like light of sunshine on a cloudless morning. See 2nd Sam 23:1-2.

If such a leader focuses on the world for the sake of its glory, passions, desires, lusts and corruption, he becomes dictator, hypocrite, aggressive, ethno centrist, puppet and evil.

Of course; in the beginning after he gains power he might be happy, but at the end, all his self glory withers away. He loses hope. He becomes desperate. He visits multiple hospitals. Nothing satisfies him, even though everything in the country is under his command. See Psalm 73. You can check the biography of ruthless leaders in the entire world. The same thing is true in wrong Church leaders as well.

To one’s surprise, there are wrong Churches that do not care about Holy Spirit. These Churches conforming to the life style of this world, they face major spiritual problems.

In reference to the Church of Corinthians, Paul writes about this. The same kind of problem still exists in many modern Churches. So, let us pray for them. As of the Corinthian Church, herewith is the story.

Before 60 A.D, the Corinthian Church received Jesus as its Savior. After a while; typical believers and leaders of the Church alike, lagged behind in the renewal of their spiritual life. Because of this, Paul was forced to write a letter telling them how to experience life in the guidance of Holy Spirit. He told them, because they are infants in Christ, carnal minded and mere humans. He also told them because they conformed to worldly way of life. Finally, he told them to stop drinking milk of the word, but instead to start eating solid food. See 1st Corinthians 3:1-4.

Church! This is a good lesson. If so, let us grow in our salvation. Let us train ourselves to be Godly. Let us control our bad behavior. If we want to live right, let us say NO, to such ungodly passions. See Titus 2:12.

The message of: “Swim in River of God,” is hard to understand for non-believers. If so, first, let us receive Jesus as our Savior. Second, let us train ourselves how to renew our mind, and third, let us understand the role of water in the spiritual world so that we can have enough training to “Swim in River of God. “ Without the compliance of the above truth, we cannot be righteous, and without righteousness, it is an abomination to worship God. See Amos 5:21.

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