Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Molla Nigatu is the author of 4 books:

Insight into Ethiopia
Ethiopia is museum of history. Materials covered in this book include transference of Ethiopian heritage to young generations, Sheba's and Ark's history, Amharic language and alphabet, information for tourists, and prayer for Ethiopian development.  You can get the book at Amazon: Insight into Ethiopia

Shaking Hands with Jesus
When we understand God’s compassionate love and obey the standards He sets, for our life, coming close to us, He makes a hand shake with us.  You can get the book at Amazon: Shaking Hands with Jesus

Visitation of Heaven
The watershed of history and restoration of life starts with salvation. After believers restore their life, Jesus gives some "Holy Ghost Wings," that enable them to fly and testify about the gospel for others. Sometimes, He also allows some to visit heaven, so that they would spread the word after they come back from heaven.  You can get the book at Amazon: Visitation of Heaven

Christian Living
     When people surrender and seek God, they are blessed. When they disobey, they suffer. For example; after the Lord found people of Sodom and Gomorrah guilty of same-sex spree, He destroyed them with fire from heaven. See Genesis 19: 24. 
     When He found Babylonians building a tall tower for their glory, He confounded their language. –See Genesis 11:7-9. He also destroyed with the great flood that occurred in 2300 B.C.
     The plan of God for man is perfect, because He is our father. A good father punishes his kids so that they would be great leaders for their nations and righteous people all the time.   You can get the book at Amazon Christian Living

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