Monday, May 5, 2014

Train Yourself to be Godly

Paul tells us to discipline ourselves to live Godly. However; transformation does not come all at once. It takes time to learn how to discipline ourselves. But let us never give up, because discipline corrects us, molds us and gives us perfection. Discipline comes from nowhere, but from our mind. Because of this, the word of God says: ”Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind, you can prove what is in the mind of God, and for you, what is in His mind is good, acceptable and perfect. See Romans 12:1-2. Nonetheless; unless otherwise; we meditate the word of God this will not come to pass.

Of course; meditating the word is not enough. We must also put into practice in our life, everything we meditate, because as we put into practice the word of God in our life, we transform in our inner being. This happens because our old sin and all our old habits give way to transformation. Just as physical exercise is for our body; all our spiritual life also needs training.

Therefore; let us train ourselves to:
  • Present our body, as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable onto God. See Roman 12:1.
  • Renew our mind, so that avoiding lusts of this world, if we transform and renew our mind, we would prove what is good, acceptable and perfect will of God- See Rom. 12:2
There are two messages in Romans 12:2.  
  1. If we love the world, we do not love God. Therefore; we should not be conformed to this world.
  2. To transform and renew of our mind.
You might think that this is hard. Training works. There is no sweet without sweat. Jesus is our model example. While He was on earth, Holy Spirit was the source of His power. In the same way, let us train ourselves how to live right. Let us walk as Jesus walked while He was in flesh.
We learn friends how training changes life. Take the case Abeba Bikila from Ethiopia. Running barefoot he became World Marathon Champion in 1960, 1964 and in 1968, because he presented his feet to strict training.

If we train ourselves to live right, running away from the evil, we can renew our mind and transform our spiritual life. If Abebe trains himself to be Champion of Marathon, then training ourselves, we can live right. Is that okay for you?

God, the righteous judge is not aloof from our life. He knows everything we do. In His face, the wicked falls of his own wickedness. God is also a righteous judge. He gives favor for the righteous. So, He pays attention to anything we do. With that in mind, He corrects, one who conforms to this world and rewards one who transforms and renews his mind. See Psalm 7:11. 

God cares for those who transform their mind and adversely; He punishes those who conform to the lusts of the world. In doing so, searching the minds and hearts of people, He brings to an end the violence of the wicked and searching the minds and hearts of righteous people, He secures their life. See Psalm 79.

N.B. - the wicked that conforms to things of the world is motivated to destroy people of God. Had it not been for His protection, the righteous would have died out. Herewith; is Part I, evidence to show God punishes the wicked. Next we have also = Part II, evidence to show God rewards the righteous.      

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