Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The cause for a miserable life

The cause for miserable life is an idol

In the Old Testament, God was Lord of Israel. In the New Testament, regardless of nationality, sex and religion God is Lord for all people who believe in Him. In both testaments, idol worship is a major problem. Herewith; we are going to see how an idol is a wrong god. Here is a story that happened in the Old Testament.

In the Old Testament, in the reign of King Ahab in 840 B.C, Israelites were worshipping Baal, the idol god of Canaanites and Phoenicians. Elijah warned Israel to refrain from worshipping Baal. Without listening to him, they continued to worship Baal assuming him as god of rain, fertility and storm.

In that confused time, a revelation came to Elijah to challenge, to renounce Baal’s power over fertility and to proclaim drought, locking the sky from giving rain in the name of Yahweh. When Elijah came with this revelation, Israel did not repent. Instead, they went ahead with their Baal worship. . See 1st King17:1.

When people of Israel believed in Baal, they assumed that the grass would be fertile and green on the other side. I other words, they assumed that Phoenicians and Canaanites had a mighty and wise god than Israel. In doing so, instead of correcting themselves; they entangle themselves from one problem to another or better to say that, instead of getting out from a very bad situation, they entered into an even worse problem. To make the matter worse, they ignited fire on to an existing problem. King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel, not only believed in Baal but also financially supported 850 Baal prophets that came from Phoenicia, the country of Jezebel.

These false prophets were eating together with King Ahab on the same table. After eating, they were dancing in the palace of Israel. That was a big trouble. When this happened, Elijah got angry. He took the issue serious. He intervened in the drama of this theater, to portray, that Yahweh controls rain and fertility and not Baal. See 1st King 18:18.

When intervened, Elijah proposed a contest to prove whether God of the Bible is a true God or not. Birds of the same feather flock together. All those Israeli people that supported Baal, 850 Baal prophets, King Ahab, Jezebel was on one side. The rest of the Israelites who supported Elijah, were on the other side. Both parties were on Mount Carmel, watching the contest.

When everybody was silent, Elijah stepping forward said:” How long will you sit on the fence? If God is the true God follow Him and if Baal is true follow Him. With that consent both parties agreed to see which one has power and authority over rain and fertility. See 1st Kings 18:21.

Apparently, to make the contest pass by, followers of Baal agreed to slaughter one ox. Elijah also agreed to slaughter the other ox and to offer as a sacrifice for God, bringing fire from Heaven that would consume the meat. Accordingly, therefore; the basis and foundation of their agreement boiled down to one point:” God who answers by fire is a true God.”

Elijah was not selfish. Based on the agreement, he allowed followers of Baal to offer to their god their sacrifice first. Both parties were on the right place and time of the contest. There is an old sarcastic proverb which says:”You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.” Elijah gave them the first chance, but these false prophets could not bring fire from Heaven.

Even though, he gave them the first chance there was no response or / voice /from Baal, their god. They were simply shouting, lashing their hands, dancing and limping on the altar calling Baal by name. No response from their god for over six hours. When Baal followers were sluggish, Elijah was mocking and mimicking at those wobbling wrong prophets. King David said:”I hate those who believe in worthless idols, but I trust in the Lord.” He said this, because he knows that God is jealous, who does not tolerate any rival god. See Psalm 31:6.

Just like David, Elijah strongly believes in God. He was sure that God would answer by fire. Without kneeling down, s with faith, he prayed for a few seconds. Because he had faith, suddenly; fire coming from Heaven consumed the meat that he arranged to offer for God. When this miracle happened, Israel believed that God of Elijah is a true God.

God does not change. He is the same all the time. Today, similar problems exist in the world we live in. Just like Elijah, if we also pray sincerely in the name of Jesus, God hears and answers our prayer.

Molla Nigatu


Godliness is profitable in the life of today and the life to come. To be Godly, we need ethics/ discipline. / If we have no ethics, we bloc the free gift of God, peace, mercy and grace.

Ethics- is a set of principles of right conduct. Ethics is the study of general nature of morality in the society. For example; if some are not willing to pay tax, it is a bad ethics, but if they pay tax for the government, it is a good ethics.

God keeps in perfect peace, whose minds are steadfast. They have good ethics. They trust in the Lord. See Isaiah 26:3.

Righteous people trust in the Lord. Not only they are peaceful, they also give peace for others. Plus, they teach how bad ethics jeopardizes life and how grace gives peace.

David tells us the difference between temporary prosperity of the wicked/ unethical/ and everlasting reward of the righteous, good ethics. To remind us about the sovereignty of God, he writes Psalm 73. In this psalm, we learn about God’s hand, protection, faithfulness and covenant that He makes with the righteous.

David also tells us that, in spite of the fact that, the wicked looks strong, healthy, wealthy and proud, it is good to understand that the prosperity of the wicked is temporary. The wicked are corrupt. They open their mouths against the Lord, saying:” The Most High God knows nothing. Due to that, they are cursed.” Psalm 73:8-11.

And because of what they are doing, God places people with bad ethics, on slippery ground and casts them down to ruin. There, they are destroyed and completely swept away. See Psalm 73:18-19. Observing this, David says:” Thank you God. You are with me and I am with you. You hold me with your right hand. You guide me with your counsel and you raise me from glory to glory. You are there in Heaven for me. I desire nothing on earth, besides you. You are the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” See Psalm 73:23-28.

Molla T. Nigatu 

If you do not read the word You fall into a kind of Eastern Philosophy

If you do not read the word You fall into a kind of Eastern Philosophy

You might be serving the Lord. You might be busy arranging meetings, conferences and seminars! You might be doing everything to serve the Lord, but if you neglect your families and your prayer life, being busy with the Kingdom of this world, it is delusion for your life.

When you toil under delusion to serve God, you create a spiritual vacuum in your life. So, stop and think. Be disciplined. Give time to pray. Imitate Jesus. He was praying constantly when in flesh lived on earth.
esus is our model example for our life in everything. So, just like Him, let us pray without ceasing. See 1st Thessalonians - 5:17.

Jesus was praying always

From Jesus, we learn how to pray. Let us go to the basics and see how disciplined He was in His prayer.
While Jesus was in Galilee, very early in the morning, that is, while it was still dark, He got up and left the house and went off to a solitary place to pray- See Mark 1:35.

According to His daily schedule, from morning to evening, probably from 6:00 A.M., to 7:00 P.M, He was teaching and spreading the gospel. When evening comes, after dismissing His disciples and after teaching the multitudes, and healing the sick, He did not go to bed to rest, or to a restaurant to eat or to a recreation place to rest, but went up a mountain side by Himself to pray. Late at night, He was still praying there alone. Read Matthew 14:23 to see how He subjected Himself to the discipline of praying and staying connect with His Father.

Jesus wants His followers to have the same life style just like Him. Expecting His followers to imitate His life style, He says:” If a man loves me, he will keep my words, and my Father will love him. We will come onto him and make our abode with him.” See John 14:23.

Nota Bene /–N.B./ If we do not imitate Jesus, we follow tradition, Law of Ten Commandments, mysticism and religious beliefs of this world. Thereby; we jeopardize our life. Here, there is a question. In the Old Testament, the Law of the Old Testament or the Mosaic Law or the Jewish Law was given to the people of Israel in 1350 B.C. At that time the gentiles were unknown. So, they did not receive the Old Covenant. Gentiles when they believe Jesus in the New Testament are given the new covenant. Now the question is –“Why do gentiles worry about the Mosaic Law or the Ten Commandments?”

Assimilation of Occidental Christianity with Oriental Philosophy

There is a difference between Christianity and philosophy. The founder of Christianity is Jesus. In Jesus, there is life. His life is the light of men. See John 1:4.

The philosophy of the East, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, are longer / or older/ than Christianity; though people know God is four thousand years old, and that is since the time of Abraham in 2000B.C.

Whatever; the case might be, these days the Western world, assimilates to the philosophies of the East. But remember that, in Jesus there is life. Jesus is life giver and He is the light of the world. Christians are partakers of His Devine life. See 2nd Peter 1:4. In philosophy there is no life giver, but empty philosophy.
As men neglect God, they fall into their own philosophy and consciousness. Christians do not fall into their own consciousness, because they are bone of the bone of Jesus, soul of His soul, flesh of His flesh and Spirit of His Spirit. He is their Redeemer and Savior of the world.

From philosophies of the East, that is, from India, Egypt and China, we get modern religions like Christian Science and so many others. These religions know about redemption, but they do not have a Redeemer at all. Therefore, there is a vacuum of truth. For Christians Jesus is their Redeemer, and this is true. There is verification
Knowing about the truth and knowing the truth are two different things. Occidental Christianity knows the truth reading the Bible, but Oriental philosophy beginning from time of immemorial digging deep into resources of nature tries to know about life and about truth. However; in doing so, for thousands of years, Oriental or Eastern philosophy has developed in the mental creativity and reasoning of man, which ends deadlock. And it is pity to see that Oriental philosophy is influencing Occidental Christianity.

Nonetheless; here there is a question. In the judgment day, before Jesus, is there an excuse to claim that we were deceived by Eastern philosophy? Are we not supposed to recognize the truth from the falsehood?

Occidental Christianity knows the truth, the Bible and Jesus the Savior of the world. So, how come Western Christianity assimilates with Easter philosophy? This happens as civilization grows. In this fast food era, people run short of time to read the word of God.

Letter kills-Spirit gives life
2nd Corinthians 3:3

What do we mean by: ”Letter kills.”? Under the auspice of following Christianity, one might go out of the parameter of God’s will, when he takes Holy Spirit likely, and fails to read the word in Spirit. In reference to this, Jesus says: “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” See Matthew 4:4. So, once we are born again, it is crucial to read the word in Spirit, asking Holy Spirit to reveal the secret of the scripture, we read for a number of reasons.

 1st Reason: - The more we lose interest reading the word, we neglect to repent committing sin, and as a result of that, we follow legalism or Laws of Moses, traditional beliefs, and mysticism. In doing so, we put ourselves into imprison.

 2nd Reason:- People of this world, especially high officials, give their delegates letters to recommend or commend them to work in other countries, but Paul, when he sent missionaries, he did not give them letters, because he knew that other people would discern his missionaries by the Spirit of God. In the same token, a Christian who believes in Jesus should not focus on letters he reads in the Bible, but should focus on the revelation of the word, to discern heavenly secrets. For example; when he prays in Spirit, there is a propitious circumstance to understand the work of the evil. So, before he reads his Bible, he should pray, so that the Demon, understanding that this person is a man of God, should give up and the sick would be healed.

Now, let us come to the conclusion. A man of faith, who believes in Jesus, is a letter of Christ. People understand him that he is an epistle of God written not with pen and ink, or written not on tablets made of stone, but by the Spirit of the Living God. See 2nd Cori. 3:3

 3rd Reason-:- Before we received Jesus, we were in bondage of the law. At that time, we believed in angels and gods. But after we know God, reading His word, there is no reason to go back into slavery? See Galatians 4:6-7.

If we read the Bible with shallow understanding, we go back to slavery. We miss deep understanding of the Bible. As a result that, we don’t transform in spiritual life. But if we believe in Holy Spirit, we do not confine in the yoke of spiritual slavery. See Gal. 5:1.

Warning against legalism, Mysticism, Tradition and religion

Whether you are in Africa, Europe or Asia or America, you must seek for the truth. What you need is just the truth. Nothing more! Nothing less, but question yourself and make inventory of yourself to check if you are seeking for the truth.

Salvation grows. It does not stop. As a result of that, after one receives Jesus as his Savior, he should not mix the philosophy of this world with the Bible, if he wants not to discord, disagree his faith in Jesus. That is, if he wants to grow in his salvation, he must continue reading the Bible so that he would transform his life to a higher spiritual level.

Jesus Christ gives freedom to obedient believers from the Law. However; if one lags behind from reading the word, and from being obedient to God, he would have shallow faith. Not only that, if he does not read the word, there would be a high probability that he would believe in legalism or the legal aspect of the Ten Commandments or the Law of Moses or tradition or mysticism or religion of this world. As a result of that, he would strangle and jeopardize his new life, because he is not focusing on the Lord. Consequently, therefore; sorry! as a result of that, his faith in the Lord diminishes from time to time.

Even if he is a senior pastor of a mega- Church, God is not willing to use this type of pastor to work wonders and miracles in His name, and when no signs and wonder prevail, throughout his career in his Church, his congregation question why there is no revival in their Church. Thereafter; they would come with so many comments. For example; they might say:

1st) this pastor, might have lost interest to read the word. Or they might say he has failed to repent for his sin. Or they might say that he has failed to avoid legalism, traditional beliefs, religion and mysticism in his life. After all this comment, if fires back to his congregation, and if he does not walk in spirit, according to the will of God, he would put himself into a spiritual life imprisonment.

This picture does not depict fighting of two persons, but unbelief strangling against his life and profession.

If we want revival in our Church, after we are born again, we should be free from experiencing ancestral traditional beliefs, mysticism and legalism, / or the aspect of the Ten Commandments, / because we are in the era of grace.

It is after we avoid the practice of traditional beliefs, legalism and mysticism, that we can transform our Church and ourselves to a higher level of our spiritual life. If so, let us drop off all our bondages. When we embrace the grace of God, tradition, mysticism and legalism would not strangle our life.

Apparently, therefore; let us be free from these bondages in this era of the New Testament. After we are free, no one tells us what to eat or what to drink. Nobody has also the right to tell us whether to celebrate the New Moon Festival or the Sunday Festival, because these things in the Old Testament were shadow or precursor of Christ.

Nota Bene/ N.B. / - This word comes from Latin. It means:” Take notice of this very carefully.”

In the New Testament, the teaching of Jesus is more than enough. So, let us obey what He tells us to do and worship Him from the bottom of our heart. Let us also avoid mysticism, tradition and legalism, because such ideas and other made principles, would breach our covenant that we entered with God in the New Testament.
In any way, we are not suppose to allow any body tell us what to eat and what to drink, when to eat or where to drink. See Colossians 2:16-20.

When you receive Jesus as your Savior, you die with Christ. God broke your sin and the bondage of your sin is gone. You are born again. You are now a new man with a new heart.
After you are born again, rules that force you live under bondage are gone, because they were artificial from the very beginning. Now, start to live for God. Avoid all man-made rules, contrary to the will of God from your life.

When Jesus filled with Holy Spirit prayed Lazarus raised from death to life

 Open - the Book of Matthew 27: 27-44.

Spiritual life

 A close friend of Jesus, by the name Lazarus was dead four days ago. At that time, Jesus was away spreading the gospel. When He came back from the mission, He found out that Lazarus was dead four days ago. Thus, grieving for his death, Jesus went to the tomb. Then filled with compassion, He called Lazarus from the tomb. A large crowd was with Jesus. When He called him:” Lazarus, come out from the tomb,” Lazarus revived. He got life. He came out from the tomb. The words of Jesus were Spirit and life. See Matthew 27: 27-44. So, let be filled with spirit and compassion when we serve the people of God.

Lazarus came to life, because Jesus called him, filled with Holy Spirit. We can see the same wonders miracles in our life, if we stop human philosophy and joke when we preach.

The Bible says:” It is not by Might nor by power, but by the Spirit of God.” - See Zech. 4:6.

Letter kills. Spirit gives life. See 2nd Corinthians 3:3. Without being filled with Spirit of God, if one quotes a scripture in the Bible and shouts, it does not benefit him. When we speak the word of God, we must take out selfish desires from the equation. Being clean in life, we focus on the Lord and glorify Father God, Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Grace and peace to our God; Jehovah! Father of Jesus, Lord of lords, King of Kings and Creator of the universe.

Grace and peace to our God; Jehovah! Father of Jesus, Lord of lords, King of Kings and Creator of the universe.

Let us Pray

“Whether we eat or drink, let us do it for the glory of God.”See 1st Corinthians 10:31. The Blood of Jesus washes as white as snow.” See Psalm 51:7. So, when we pray, let us think of the Blood of Jesus-
“Oh! God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, let it be known today that you are God in the entire world.”

Oh! God, change the heart of people who believe in idols. They must know that you are Lord of the universe.
Oh! God, turn back the hearts of those who backslide. Oh! God, reveal you to them. They should know that you are God of the entire universe. - See 1st King 19: 36-37.

Oh! God, we confess our confidence in you. Oh! God, you are our Rock, garment of salvation and defense. Oh! God, use us. We surrender to you. See Psalm 62:5.

Oh! God, you are mighty and awesome. By the stripes of glorious Jesus, we are healed. See Isaiah 53:5.
Oh! God, Lord of Heaven, give us success to spread the gospel. Oh! God, like Nehemiah, we are your servants. Oh! God give us strength. We testify, you are the true God in the universe. See Nehemiah 2:20.

 Oh! Holy Spirit, we worship you. We honor you. Our eyes are looking at you. Liberate us. Oh! God, release us from our iniquities. See Psalm 25:15.

Oh! Holy Spirit, your breathe is life. Fill our hearts with faith. Breathe your breath into us. When you breathe into us, we are Holy and our thoughts become Holy, because your words are Spirit and life. You have said:”The words I speak to you are Spirit and life.” See John 6:63.

The word of God says:” Shout! Shout! Shout it loud. Don’t hold it back. Raise your voice like a trumpet. Declare the word of God. – See Isaiah 58:1.

Let us cry out loud! We all are like grass. We all are like flowers. We all wither away and die. But, before we die, let us come close to God. See Isaiah 40:6.

Oh! Lord, help us. Increase our faith. Oh! Our heavenly Father, God Al-Mighty, Father of Jesus, “If your presence is not present in our life, our journey, in the march of life, is frightening. We need you, Holy Spirit, in this march of life, in this pilgrimage into the unknown.

Oh! God, if your presence does not go with us, we are alone. When alone, our enemy, Satan would attack us. Without you, Oh! Lord, we are at risk. Oh! Holy Spirit, please stay with us. Open our ears. Talk to us. We listen to you.

Oh! Holy Spirit, without you, there is no future. Without you, there is no light. Without you, there is no salvation. Let your peace be with us. Oh! God, help us in our life in the name of Jesus? Amen!

“Who are you Mighty Mountain? You are a level ground in the name of Jesus. “See Zechariah 4:7.
Who are you, Devil? Go away in the name of Jesus.

What are you doing Demon? We spread the gospel. Go out of here, in the name of Jesus.
We command:” Peace for Jerusalem!” in the name of Jesus. See Psalm 122:6

When we talk about prayer: “To shout and pray in broken heart, closing our doors is right.” But, if we pray loudly in the neighborhood, or on the streets, or while driving, we are hypocrite. So, let us shout and pray in broken heart, closing our doors. When disciplined in our prayer, God answers our prayer. See Matthew 6:5-8.
He, who has a stable life, constantly prays. Therefore, he is joyful in hope, patient in affliction and in difficult times. See Romans 12:9-21.
Romans Chapter 12 from verse 9- to 21 gives us an instruction for our life. So, let us study it. Let us live with attitudinal change. If so, let:
1.) Our love must be real for others. Let us be free from hypocrisy. Let us be sincere in our love for others, and let us hate what is evil and hold tight what is good. Abhorring/ or saying/ no / to what is wicked, let us cling fast to the truth and hold tight, what is good.
2.) Us have tender affection/ or love for one another. Let us love and honor others, and let us be first to show our affection for others.
3) We are not suppose to loiter at our business. Let us burn with Holy Spirit and let us be ready to glorify the Lord.
4) Us rejoice in the Lord. Let us have hope and endure under our tribulation or problem, and let us preserver in our prayer.
5) Us, share what we have with the righteous. Let us help them when they are in need and let us show them hospitality.
6) Let us keep on blessing those who persecute or mistreat us.
7) Let us rejoice with people who rejoice. Let us weep with those who weep. Let us be happy when they are happy, and let us be sad, when they are sad.
8) Let us be friendly with everyone. Let us not be proud, and let us not feel that we are smarter than others.
9) Let us not return, evil for evil for anyone, but let us provide fine things in the sight of all men.
10) Let us be peaceful for everyone.
11) Let us not avenge or take revenge. “To take revenge is mine, “says the Lord.
12 ) If our enemy is hungry, let us feed him. If he is thirsty, let us give him drink. By doing so, we put fire on his head.
13 Let us not be conquered by the evil. Instead; let us conquer the evil. See Rom. 12:9-21.  

Everyone who lives a spiritual life must:

1st) Subject himself to discipline. Without discipline faith is emotional and without prayer, there is no spiritual growth. If a believer does not pray, he has no a stable life and if he has no a stable life, it is hard to say that he has faith in life.

When we pray, the Spirit of God helps us in our weakness. Suppose if we do not know what to pray for, or how to pray, just let us discipline ourselves and stay seeking the face of the Lord. This time the Spirit of God intercedes, the Spirit of God groans for us. So, let us be disciplined to pray. Let us pray with perseverance. See Romans 8:26.

Consequence of worshipping idols

Man walks in the journey of his life to unknown future. In his march of life, he is afraid of unfamiliar roads.
Many are lost in the dark, going in wilderness. They are afraid of the forest, the beasts and Satan. They quiver at strange noises in the shadowy trees. They are afraid of monsters that lurk in the shadows.
Uncertain of their future, they go to the right and to the left and sometimes straight, and sometimes forward and sometimes backward. Filled with imaginary terrors; they end up walking in circles. On their journey to the Promise Land, in a place called Shechem, people of Israel spent a lot of time walking in circles, believing in the gods of the land, the Baal. When they turned away from Yahweh, they spent the major part of their life in Scheme. See Exodus 34: 22-23.

Even today instead of focusing on Eternal Life, instead of preparing themselves to go to heaven, people spend a lot of time walking in circles, being busy in their work place, without going to Church

 Ahab and Jezebel / his wife / were king and Queen in Israel in around 869- 850 B.C. Jezebel was the most evil lady. Ahab belonged to the Omri Dynasty. When his father died, becoming successor, he became king of Israel. See 1st Kings 16:20-24. He was king of Israel. However; the authority of his leadership was taken by his wife. Using the power and authority King Ahab, Jezebel, his wife, spread belief of her native god, Baal throughout Israel.

 Most people in Israel followed her. Elijah the prophet strongly opposed her. He testified that God of Israel was true, but Baal was a false god.

Even today, in the entire world many believe in different idols, including Baal. Democracy is the system of the secular Kingdom of the earth. It is not part and parcel of the Devine Kingdom of God. But people talk that to believe in anything is their democratic right. What does God say concerning this?

God tells us that He is our God. We shall not have other gods before Him. We shall not believe in graven images before Him and shall not swear falsely in His name. See Ex. 20:1-4.

What must be done? People think to be believe in anything they like is their right and a sign of a civilized people. Whether we like it or not, this life is short, and concerning the vanity of idols, God says:” I am the first and I am the last. Beside me there is no god. “See Isaiah 44:6.
Do you think that this is civilization? Should we sit idle, when Baal tries to take the power and authority of God?

Our weapons are not rockets or fighting jets. Our weapon is the name of Jesus and His mighty power. We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against the evil in the heavenly principalities. Our fighting is not:”By might nor by power, but by the Spirit of God.” - See Zechariah 4:6. So, let us fight spiritually, holding our Bible by our hands, reading the word in our eyes.

 When it comes to faith, we are not better than our forefathers? George Washington was a Christian. We are not better off than him. He was elected unanimously two times. Let us repent and follow our forefathers, and declare loud:” In God, we trust.”

Elijah the prophet was an ardent believer of God. We are not better off than him.
 Elijah showed that God is a true God. Adversely; he showed that Baal was a false god. He openly told King Ahab and Jezebel that, belief in God of Israel was right.

 God is love. Now, let us show our compassion to the people around us. Let us step forward and pray on their behalf, so that they would see that the true God is Father God, Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit.

God does not change. He is the same. Elijah showed that God is a true God. Today, God wants somebody to work with Him. Are you ready for that?

The Ethiopian Calendar and New Year

The Ethiopian Calendar

Ethiopians are the only people who use their own calendar. According to Ethiopian Calendar each month has thirty days. There are also five days extra, which make one extra month that makes Ethiopia, a country of thirteen months of sunshine. Every four years there are 366 days in Ethiopia. The sun shines half of the day, out of the 24 hours. The other half of the day is dark.
Because Ethiopia is a country of thirteen months of sunshine, there is no need to worry about the heating or the cooling system. In the extra five days people do not expect increment of pay on rent or salary. This is good for the gross economic development of the country.

Ethiopian New Year

New Year in Ethiopia is a major holiday. It is celebrated every September 1st. In September Ethiopia is green everywhere. The rainfall decreases from day to day, though; farmers need it a lot. If there is enough rainfall in September people eat well throughout the year.
Regarding the Calendar, Ethiopia is less than other countries by 7 or 8 days. Each month in Ethiopia is 30 days long. One month is 5 days long. The total is 365 days. Every four years, however; it is 366 days.

According to Ethiopian calendar Jesus, was born, two millennia ago. Now it is 2007 A.D. According to European Calendar it is 2014 A.D. Though, Jesus tumbled in flesh from heaven to earth, He is Alpha & Omega-

Ethiopian Calendar is unique. 12 hours light and 12 hours night. In Ethiopia morning starts, when the sun rises. When day time starts Ethiopians say good morning. Europeans say:” Good morning in the middle of the dark.” If they depart after a few minutes:” they say good night.” Thus, whenever you have an appointment with an Ethiopian by origin, ask him whether it is according to Ethiopian or European calendar. You will miss the appointment, when the Ethiopian counts his way and you count your way. Clear understanding is awesome. Take the example of park way and drive way. So, be cautious not to drive on the park way and not to park on the drive way.

Ethiopians count each day when the sun rises to twelve until the sun sets, counting none stop, 12345etc…until it is 12. In these 12 hours people are busy. When the sun sets, night time starts. When the night starts, they count none stop 1, 23456789, 10,11, 12, until the sun rises and dark time withers away.

# Source:- Insight into Ethiopia by Molla Tikuye, published by Xulon Press.


Molla T.Nigatu


Scientists tell us that genetics and environment determine the personality of a person. Our mother also tells us that we look like our grandmothers. Our fathers also tell us that we look like our grandfathers. Though, this is true to a certain extent, it is not absolutely true. We have something else that is absolutely true. If we just focus on facts and information, we go nowhere, but if focus on truth, there is unlimited hope and inheritance ahead in our life. So, let us go to the basics.

Because He has a purpose for us, God created us in His own image and likeness. If so, let us focus on that. See Genesis 1:27.

God loves us. He has a purpose for us and gives us everything good for us free of charge. Water is free of Charge. Salvation is free of charge. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we were marked in Him with a seal- the Holy Spirit, and that is a free gift. After we are sealed with Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God is always with us to help us, to comfort us, to protect us etc…

By grace, after we accept Jesus as our Savior, not only He promises us to give us Heavenly blessings, but also guarantees us about our Heavenly inheritance. See Ephesians 1:13-14.

A person, who knows the grace of God, is free. He has no bondage of the Law and tradition. Take for example; a person driving on the highway. If he drives 50 M.P.H. when supposed to drive 30, he will get a ticket, because he does not respect the law. So, he has to pay for that. Next time, he might try to be careful, and drive a speed of 31 M.P.H. Still he gets ticket, because of the law. This shows that he cannot respect the law perfectly. That is okay in secular life. We have to respect the law as much as possible.

In the Old Testament, the Law of Moses was written in 1350 B.C. So, beginning from 1350 B.C, until the emergence of Jesus, God saw that His people could not obey the Law perfectly.

God our Father in Heaven does not like to see us to be in problem. Due to that, He revised the Law of Old Testament shedding His blood to give us mercy from committing sin.

Now, in the New Testament, He gives us mercy, so that we can live by His grace.

Molla Nigatu

Factors that lead people to a wrong belief

God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David and Apostle Paul, tells us that He is the only true God. See Exodus 20:1-4.

When followers of Jesus read books on idol, philosophy, romance, fiction etc... their faith is compromised. After that, they would not glorify God. For example; if a born again lady reads pornographic magazines, or goes to the blues, or practices witchcraft, watches pornography on TV channels, her husband needs to check what she is doing, so that he would protect her from compromising her faith and getting divorce with her. Since these are all idols, she is possessed by evil spirit.

Why do people believe in idols? They believe in idols to become great and wealthy. God, who stretches out the heaven, founded the earth and formed our spirit, does not expect us to be great, but He wants us to be loyal to Him and humble for others. See Isaiah 44:24.

Man is supposed to walks in the journey of his life to Heaven. The rest who do not like this type of journey, walk into unknown future. They want to become great, but would short live. Without God, when man walks, he goes alone. This time, afraid of the unfamiliar road, he might hang himself. Many people who are like him lost in the dark. Going in wilderness, they are afraid of the city life, even if they billionaires. They are afraid of forest, the beasts and Satan. They quiver at strange noises in the shadowy trees. They are afraid of monsters assuming they lurk in the shadows to attack them.

Uncertain of their future, Israelites in their time of wilderness; were going to the right and to the left, sometimes straight, sometimes forward and sometimes backward.

In order to be loyal to God, and accomplish our target of living successfully on earth, let us worship God appropriately. Let us also read and meditate the word. If we do that, we keep our covenant relationship with the Lord and King of kings of the universe.

Likewise; today, obsessed with secular philosophy, when we aspire for political gain, we would compromise our faith with God. The other factor that would compromise our faith is money. These people; instead of thinking that money is medium of exchange, they worship money, rejecting God.

With the will of God, gleaning scattered wheat in a field is better than eating the fat of a ram, deceiving others. It is better to eat cabbage having warm relationship with God.

Without the will of God, accumulation of wealth is an illusion and sin. Take Ruth for example; when she was gleaning scattered wheat in the field of Boaz; she filled her heart with the love of Israeli God. Because she rejoiced in the Lord, her life changed. She restored and transformed, and suddenly she became the wife of Boaz. She became rich. She let the poor of Bethlehem, glean in her wheat fields.

Are you ready to transform from gleaning life, to allowing others glean in your harvest? That will happen for you, if you become loyal to God.

Without accepting Jesus as their Savior, and without giving their heart for God, if people toil day and night to make money; their vision of accumulation of wealth finally becomes meaningless. When this happens, God says:” It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich enter into the Kingdom of God.” See Matthew 19:24.


In the natural world when one wants to get something, he looks for an access. After he gets it, he does what he does.

In the divine institution of Christianity, a believer prays praises God, dignifies God, magnifies God and glorifies God. Because praying, praising or giving thanks is an access, or a platform to come close, and ask God in the name of Jesus, the desires of his heart, confess his sin, receive forgiveness and enjoy blessings from the Lord.

Praying is a necessary element for life. Because of this a believer meditates the word throughout the day and prays several times a day. As a fish cannot live outside water, a Christian also does not lead a healthy life without praying.

God is not like a human being. If His humble people seek His face and ask Him anything they want, hearing from Heaven, He gives them graciously anything they want.

God expects us to pray in both casual and miserable times. When people in the Old Testament disobeyed Commandment of God, He shut up Heaven from sending rain. He commanded locusts to devour their land, and sent plagues to attack them. When this happened, His humble people prayed. Moses prayed in times calamities. When he prayed, every calamity was gone. When Israelites travelled in wilderness, they spoke against God. Moses got angry, because he knew history. He is author of Pentateuch- the first five books of the Bible, The book of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. He knows that the serpent is symbol of evil. Therefore; with the command of God, he sent snakes to attack Israel when they murmured.

Nonetheless; when many died, Moses prayed. When he prayed, God told him to make a Bronze Serpent and let the people look at the Serpent. So, according to his instruction, when everyone bitten by the serpent looked at the Bronze Serpent, he was healed. See Numbers 21:5-8 and 2nd Chron. 7:13-14 to see how God forgives when one prays.

Today is not different from yesterday. In the New Testament praying works when we focus on Jesus. So, let us focus on Jesus and pray.

1) He, who prays in the name of Jesus, has a privilege and authority to get anything he needs. See John 14:13 and 2nd Chronicle 7:14.

2) A faithless wicked person, a disobedient person, or a person who is not loyal to God, a double minded person or a person that does not ask God anything he wants by faith in the name of Jesus receives nothing from God. See James 1:7.

Jesus is our model example

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where He prayed. See Mark 1:35. Simon and his companions went to look for Him. When they saw Him, they shouted:" Everyone is looking for you. See Mark 1:36.

Also, in the evening; after He dismissed His disciples, He went off, to the mountain and prayed. Yet, late in the evening, He was still there praying. See Matthew 14:23.

If Jesus prayed, then we have to pray too, because prayer helps and because prayer plays a great role in life. Through prayer, God transforms the spiritual life of believers. So, people with vision pray and are blessed in their life. Adversely; however; according to the scripture, life of those who do not pray perish.

According to Proverb 29:18 people that lag from being knowledgeable about the Commandment of God, lag from praying and from having vision perish, but those who pray without ceasing, open their mind for vision, transformation, restoration and study of the Law of God are blessed.

Prayer is a line of open communication that helps believers, make relationship with God. There is no detour in prayer, especially in the morning.

When Christians pray in the morning, they talk with God. So, they must pray is the morning. When they pray early in the morning, the atmosphere is clear. You find the evil while roaming in the dark and when sees you fighting with the spiritual weapon, it goes away very easily. In this time, God looking at you when you fight with spiritual weapon fights on your side.

Praying for Christians is like breathing air. Prayer helps regenerate life. Because of this, every Christian prays for abundant life and shower of blessings. In synchronize with that, when he prays, he glorifies the name of Jesus. See 1st Thessolonians 1:12.

Unless an arrangement is set for prayer with a group of people, one cannot pray loud in public alone, walk alone praying in the streets, or make sound trumpets to give money to the poor. If such a person experiences this type of behavior, it is a bad habit. See Matthew 6:2. God won't reward him. He does not pray in a humble heart in a secret place. He, who prays sincerely, turning away from his wicked ways seeking the face of God in humility, is blessed. See 2nd Chron. 7:14. If he wants to pray sincerely, he must pray in his house, humbling himself, shutting his closet. See Matthew 6:6. When such a humble and righteous person prays, he prays for the transformation of himself, family and for the restoration of his nation.

These days than ever before, righteous people are needed to pray for the world. Many preachers do not preach on humility. Some others lag behind from seeking the face of God. The world does not need a proud believer, but a humble person God opposes the proud. He does hear his prayer, but hears the prayer of the humble. See 1st Peter 5:5-6 and James 4:6.
He, who wants to get blessings from God, must be sanctified. Therefore; in this connection, let us talk about sanctification, because without sanctification and without holiness, nobody neither lives in peace nor sees the eye of God. See Hebrew 12:14.

Take for example Israel. Before they crossed the Jordan River, Joshua consecrated Israel for God. When he consecrated Israel, he told them to be sanctified. See Joshua 3:5. Obeying the instruction of Joshua, Israel became holy. After that, they crossed the Jordan River. See Joshua 3:16.

In the same way, today if we want to solve our problems, we have to be sanctified and we have to pray without casing.

In the Old Testament, in about 1310 B.C, before they crossed the Jordan River, God ordered Israel to be sanctified, because He thought that sanctification was the only way that would enable them, cross the Jordan River.

In the New Testament, God makes prayer an obligation for Christians. That is the only way for sanctification. For example; if Christians pray for the peace of Jerusalem, kneeling down on their knees, they will be sanctified and be blessed. See Psalm 122:6. This implies that, kneeling down on one's knee, and to pray for Israel is not only an obligation, but also a source of blessing.
According to the Bible, God blesses nations, tribes and individuals that pray for Israel. He also curses nations, tribes and individuals that curse Israel. - Gen. 12:2-3.

" N.B. Satan is a thief. To be fruitful and effective in our prayer life, a believer before he prays must first bind Satan.

In the Book of Matthew 12:29, God says:" How can you enter into the house of a strong man and plunder his goods unless you first bind him." So, let us bind Satan first in the name of Jesus before he distracts our prayer.

Glory is for God. Everything we do must be for the glory of God. Suppose if we want to bind Satan, we must do it in the name of Jesus, and that is for the glory of God. See 1st Corinthians 10:31.

" When we call the name of Jesus, there is power. When we call the name of Jesus, we glorify God. When we call the name of Jesus, chains are broken.

" The name of Jesus has power. In the name of Jesus, we bind Demon first and command him to go away, saying:"Demon! Go out of here in the name of Jesus."

When he goes away, the atmosphere is clear. When the atmosphere is clear from the evil, we pray, not according to the desire of our heart, but according to the will of God.

Getting busy with the World

You might be busy serving the Lord, arranging meetings, conferences and seminars! What kind of service is this, without prayer? It is delusion under the pretense of serving the Lord. Whatever! When one neglects his prayer, busy with his daily life, he creates a spiritual vacuum in his life.

Jesus prays a lot. He is our model example. He prayed daily when He lived on earth. On the 4th day, Lazarus died, Jesus went to his tomb. A large crowd was with Him. Filled with compassion, when Jesus called Lazarus, reviving from death, Lazarus came out from the tomb. The words of Jesus are Spirit and life all the time. Matthew 27: 27-44.

Filled with compassion, we must serve the people of God. See Elijah. He is another model example for us, when it comes to the question of praying. Elijah had a lot of compassion for the people of Israel.

So, he prayed for the people of Israel, with compassion. Now, we need a man who is determined to pray. Elijah, as a result of his determination, he proved to the people of Israel that God of Israel is a true God and Baal was a false god. Though, exposed Baal, Israel continued to worship Baal.

In the same way, in the modern era, many all over the world believe in different types of false gods. This area is not yet touched. What are we doing? This is the end time. Let us stand up, before Jesus comes. Let us step forward. Let us expose idols and witchcrafts and let us prove that our God is the only true God in the universe.

Stand up. Tighten your belt
Declare Jesus is Lord

1st - Let us Pray

"Oh! God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob of the Old Testament and God of salvation in the New Testament, let it still be clear today that you are God in the entire world. O h! God, give us revelation. Change the heart of the people who believe in idol. They should know that you are Lord. Oh! God, those who backslide must turn their hearts back to you. God! Reveal yourself. The multitude should know that you are the only God. See 1st King 19: 36-37.

Oh! God, we confess our confidence in you. You are our Rock. You give us peace. You are our garment of salvation and defense. Oh! God, we depend on you. See Psalm 62:5.

Oh! God, you are mighty. You are awesome. By the stripes of our Lord Jesus, we are healed. See Isaiah 53:5.

God of Heaven gives us success and we, your servants testify that you are our true God. See Nehemiah 2:20.

" It is not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of God." - See Zechariah 4:6.
"Who are you Mighty Mountain, before Zerubbabel? You are a level ground. "See Zechariah 4:7.
There is power in the name of Jesus. We command:" Peace for Jerusalem!" in the name of Jesus. See Psalm 122:6

Disciples of Jesus prayed continuously. We too must pray without ceasing and with thanks giving. We don't know what the future brings. Imitate Jesus; let us pray to be blessed. See 1st Thessalonians 5:17.

Learn raising kids from Hannah- mother of Samuel

I am just beginning. So, please give me time. There is an idiomatic expression:” Rome was not built in a day.” Meaning- it takes a long time to do an important job. Learn raising kids from Hannah- mother of Samuel 1170 years before the birth of Christ, an Israeli woman by the name Hannah lost hope to deliver a baby. Since, she had no kid, she prayed without ceasing. Hearing her prayer, God gave her a boy and rejoiced in the Lord, she called her little one, Samuel- meaning:” Heard of God.” Hannah loved her boy. She enjoyed him. She blessed him when she went out of her house. She blessed him when she came back to her house. She blessed him in the morning and she blessed him in the evening. The little one was not working to make money. He went nowhere, and because he had enough time and energy, he listened to her , everything she told him. Therefore; whenever; she weaned or fed him breast with milk; she told him that he belonged to the Lord. She told him how to study biblical scriptures. She told him stories about Moses, David, Samson, Deborah and Gideon. In synchronize with that, she meditated the Torah with him. She sang songs for the Lord with him and she praised the Lord with him, saying: Lord Al-Mighty! You, made me strong. Lord Al-Mighty! You, made me strong. I am glad with you. I am glad with you. No other god is like you. No other god is like you. Lord Al-Mighty! You, made me strong. Lord Al-Mighty! You, made me strong. I am glad with you. I am glad with you. No, other god is like you. No, other god is like you. After she sang and praised the Lord, Hannah gave Samuel to the Lord. While serving the House of God, Samuel, learned how to listen to the voice of God. Many parents are hard on their kids. Hannah was not. She loved him. She raised him properly, guiding, teaching and telling him, who Lord Al-Mighty is. See Ephesians 6:4. Apparently, therefore; at an early age, Samuel became the 1st internationally popular prophet, leader of ancient Israel, reformer of law and order beginning from the end of the Era of Judges to the Era of Kings. When it comes to the question of raising kids, Hannah is a model example. We learn a good lesson how to raise a wonderful kid from Hannah. We learn how to consecrate our kids to the Lord from Hannah. If we love our kids, let us learn from Hannah. Let us:”Teach our children right from wrong, when they are young, and when grown, they will still do right.” See Proverb 22:6. Molla Nigatu