Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Scientists tell us that genetics and environment determine the personality of a person. Our mother also tells us that we look like our grandmothers. Our fathers also tell us that we look like our grandfathers. Though, this is true to a certain extent, it is not absolutely true. We have something else that is absolutely true. If we just focus on facts and information, we go nowhere, but if focus on truth, there is unlimited hope and inheritance ahead in our life. So, let us go to the basics.

Because He has a purpose for us, God created us in His own image and likeness. If so, let us focus on that. See Genesis 1:27.

God loves us. He has a purpose for us and gives us everything good for us free of charge. Water is free of Charge. Salvation is free of charge. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we were marked in Him with a seal- the Holy Spirit, and that is a free gift. After we are sealed with Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God is always with us to help us, to comfort us, to protect us etc…

By grace, after we accept Jesus as our Savior, not only He promises us to give us Heavenly blessings, but also guarantees us about our Heavenly inheritance. See Ephesians 1:13-14.

A person, who knows the grace of God, is free. He has no bondage of the Law and tradition. Take for example; a person driving on the highway. If he drives 50 M.P.H. when supposed to drive 30, he will get a ticket, because he does not respect the law. So, he has to pay for that. Next time, he might try to be careful, and drive a speed of 31 M.P.H. Still he gets ticket, because of the law. This shows that he cannot respect the law perfectly. That is okay in secular life. We have to respect the law as much as possible.

In the Old Testament, the Law of Moses was written in 1350 B.C. So, beginning from 1350 B.C, until the emergence of Jesus, God saw that His people could not obey the Law perfectly.

God our Father in Heaven does not like to see us to be in problem. Due to that, He revised the Law of Old Testament shedding His blood to give us mercy from committing sin.

Now, in the New Testament, He gives us mercy, so that we can live by His grace.

Molla Nigatu

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