Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Factors that lead people to a wrong belief

God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David and Apostle Paul, tells us that He is the only true God. See Exodus 20:1-4.

When followers of Jesus read books on idol, philosophy, romance, fiction etc... their faith is compromised. After that, they would not glorify God. For example; if a born again lady reads pornographic magazines, or goes to the blues, or practices witchcraft, watches pornography on TV channels, her husband needs to check what she is doing, so that he would protect her from compromising her faith and getting divorce with her. Since these are all idols, she is possessed by evil spirit.

Why do people believe in idols? They believe in idols to become great and wealthy. God, who stretches out the heaven, founded the earth and formed our spirit, does not expect us to be great, but He wants us to be loyal to Him and humble for others. See Isaiah 44:24.

Man is supposed to walks in the journey of his life to Heaven. The rest who do not like this type of journey, walk into unknown future. They want to become great, but would short live. Without God, when man walks, he goes alone. This time, afraid of the unfamiliar road, he might hang himself. Many people who are like him lost in the dark. Going in wilderness, they are afraid of the city life, even if they billionaires. They are afraid of forest, the beasts and Satan. They quiver at strange noises in the shadowy trees. They are afraid of monsters assuming they lurk in the shadows to attack them.

Uncertain of their future, Israelites in their time of wilderness; were going to the right and to the left, sometimes straight, sometimes forward and sometimes backward.

In order to be loyal to God, and accomplish our target of living successfully on earth, let us worship God appropriately. Let us also read and meditate the word. If we do that, we keep our covenant relationship with the Lord and King of kings of the universe.

Likewise; today, obsessed with secular philosophy, when we aspire for political gain, we would compromise our faith with God. The other factor that would compromise our faith is money. These people; instead of thinking that money is medium of exchange, they worship money, rejecting God.

With the will of God, gleaning scattered wheat in a field is better than eating the fat of a ram, deceiving others. It is better to eat cabbage having warm relationship with God.

Without the will of God, accumulation of wealth is an illusion and sin. Take Ruth for example; when she was gleaning scattered wheat in the field of Boaz; she filled her heart with the love of Israeli God. Because she rejoiced in the Lord, her life changed. She restored and transformed, and suddenly she became the wife of Boaz. She became rich. She let the poor of Bethlehem, glean in her wheat fields.

Are you ready to transform from gleaning life, to allowing others glean in your harvest? That will happen for you, if you become loyal to God.

Without accepting Jesus as their Savior, and without giving their heart for God, if people toil day and night to make money; their vision of accumulation of wealth finally becomes meaningless. When this happens, God says:” It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich enter into the Kingdom of God.” See Matthew 19:24.

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