Wednesday, September 17, 2014


In the natural world when one wants to get something, he looks for an access. After he gets it, he does what he does.

In the divine institution of Christianity, a believer prays praises God, dignifies God, magnifies God and glorifies God. Because praying, praising or giving thanks is an access, or a platform to come close, and ask God in the name of Jesus, the desires of his heart, confess his sin, receive forgiveness and enjoy blessings from the Lord.

Praying is a necessary element for life. Because of this a believer meditates the word throughout the day and prays several times a day. As a fish cannot live outside water, a Christian also does not lead a healthy life without praying.

God is not like a human being. If His humble people seek His face and ask Him anything they want, hearing from Heaven, He gives them graciously anything they want.

God expects us to pray in both casual and miserable times. When people in the Old Testament disobeyed Commandment of God, He shut up Heaven from sending rain. He commanded locusts to devour their land, and sent plagues to attack them. When this happened, His humble people prayed. Moses prayed in times calamities. When he prayed, every calamity was gone. When Israelites travelled in wilderness, they spoke against God. Moses got angry, because he knew history. He is author of Pentateuch- the first five books of the Bible, The book of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. He knows that the serpent is symbol of evil. Therefore; with the command of God, he sent snakes to attack Israel when they murmured.

Nonetheless; when many died, Moses prayed. When he prayed, God told him to make a Bronze Serpent and let the people look at the Serpent. So, according to his instruction, when everyone bitten by the serpent looked at the Bronze Serpent, he was healed. See Numbers 21:5-8 and 2nd Chron. 7:13-14 to see how God forgives when one prays.

Today is not different from yesterday. In the New Testament praying works when we focus on Jesus. So, let us focus on Jesus and pray.

1) He, who prays in the name of Jesus, has a privilege and authority to get anything he needs. See John 14:13 and 2nd Chronicle 7:14.

2) A faithless wicked person, a disobedient person, or a person who is not loyal to God, a double minded person or a person that does not ask God anything he wants by faith in the name of Jesus receives nothing from God. See James 1:7.

Jesus is our model example

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where He prayed. See Mark 1:35. Simon and his companions went to look for Him. When they saw Him, they shouted:" Everyone is looking for you. See Mark 1:36.

Also, in the evening; after He dismissed His disciples, He went off, to the mountain and prayed. Yet, late in the evening, He was still there praying. See Matthew 14:23.

If Jesus prayed, then we have to pray too, because prayer helps and because prayer plays a great role in life. Through prayer, God transforms the spiritual life of believers. So, people with vision pray and are blessed in their life. Adversely; however; according to the scripture, life of those who do not pray perish.

According to Proverb 29:18 people that lag from being knowledgeable about the Commandment of God, lag from praying and from having vision perish, but those who pray without ceasing, open their mind for vision, transformation, restoration and study of the Law of God are blessed.

Prayer is a line of open communication that helps believers, make relationship with God. There is no detour in prayer, especially in the morning.

When Christians pray in the morning, they talk with God. So, they must pray is the morning. When they pray early in the morning, the atmosphere is clear. You find the evil while roaming in the dark and when sees you fighting with the spiritual weapon, it goes away very easily. In this time, God looking at you when you fight with spiritual weapon fights on your side.

Praying for Christians is like breathing air. Prayer helps regenerate life. Because of this, every Christian prays for abundant life and shower of blessings. In synchronize with that, when he prays, he glorifies the name of Jesus. See 1st Thessolonians 1:12.

Unless an arrangement is set for prayer with a group of people, one cannot pray loud in public alone, walk alone praying in the streets, or make sound trumpets to give money to the poor. If such a person experiences this type of behavior, it is a bad habit. See Matthew 6:2. God won't reward him. He does not pray in a humble heart in a secret place. He, who prays sincerely, turning away from his wicked ways seeking the face of God in humility, is blessed. See 2nd Chron. 7:14. If he wants to pray sincerely, he must pray in his house, humbling himself, shutting his closet. See Matthew 6:6. When such a humble and righteous person prays, he prays for the transformation of himself, family and for the restoration of his nation.

These days than ever before, righteous people are needed to pray for the world. Many preachers do not preach on humility. Some others lag behind from seeking the face of God. The world does not need a proud believer, but a humble person God opposes the proud. He does hear his prayer, but hears the prayer of the humble. See 1st Peter 5:5-6 and James 4:6.
He, who wants to get blessings from God, must be sanctified. Therefore; in this connection, let us talk about sanctification, because without sanctification and without holiness, nobody neither lives in peace nor sees the eye of God. See Hebrew 12:14.

Take for example Israel. Before they crossed the Jordan River, Joshua consecrated Israel for God. When he consecrated Israel, he told them to be sanctified. See Joshua 3:5. Obeying the instruction of Joshua, Israel became holy. After that, they crossed the Jordan River. See Joshua 3:16.

In the same way, today if we want to solve our problems, we have to be sanctified and we have to pray without casing.

In the Old Testament, in about 1310 B.C, before they crossed the Jordan River, God ordered Israel to be sanctified, because He thought that sanctification was the only way that would enable them, cross the Jordan River.

In the New Testament, God makes prayer an obligation for Christians. That is the only way for sanctification. For example; if Christians pray for the peace of Jerusalem, kneeling down on their knees, they will be sanctified and be blessed. See Psalm 122:6. This implies that, kneeling down on one's knee, and to pray for Israel is not only an obligation, but also a source of blessing.
According to the Bible, God blesses nations, tribes and individuals that pray for Israel. He also curses nations, tribes and individuals that curse Israel. - Gen. 12:2-3.

" N.B. Satan is a thief. To be fruitful and effective in our prayer life, a believer before he prays must first bind Satan.

In the Book of Matthew 12:29, God says:" How can you enter into the house of a strong man and plunder his goods unless you first bind him." So, let us bind Satan first in the name of Jesus before he distracts our prayer.

Glory is for God. Everything we do must be for the glory of God. Suppose if we want to bind Satan, we must do it in the name of Jesus, and that is for the glory of God. See 1st Corinthians 10:31.

" When we call the name of Jesus, there is power. When we call the name of Jesus, we glorify God. When we call the name of Jesus, chains are broken.

" The name of Jesus has power. In the name of Jesus, we bind Demon first and command him to go away, saying:"Demon! Go out of here in the name of Jesus."

When he goes away, the atmosphere is clear. When the atmosphere is clear from the evil, we pray, not according to the desire of our heart, but according to the will of God.

Getting busy with the World

You might be busy serving the Lord, arranging meetings, conferences and seminars! What kind of service is this, without prayer? It is delusion under the pretense of serving the Lord. Whatever! When one neglects his prayer, busy with his daily life, he creates a spiritual vacuum in his life.

Jesus prays a lot. He is our model example. He prayed daily when He lived on earth. On the 4th day, Lazarus died, Jesus went to his tomb. A large crowd was with Him. Filled with compassion, when Jesus called Lazarus, reviving from death, Lazarus came out from the tomb. The words of Jesus are Spirit and life all the time. Matthew 27: 27-44.

Filled with compassion, we must serve the people of God. See Elijah. He is another model example for us, when it comes to the question of praying. Elijah had a lot of compassion for the people of Israel.

So, he prayed for the people of Israel, with compassion. Now, we need a man who is determined to pray. Elijah, as a result of his determination, he proved to the people of Israel that God of Israel is a true God and Baal was a false god. Though, exposed Baal, Israel continued to worship Baal.

In the same way, in the modern era, many all over the world believe in different types of false gods. This area is not yet touched. What are we doing? This is the end time. Let us stand up, before Jesus comes. Let us step forward. Let us expose idols and witchcrafts and let us prove that our God is the only true God in the universe.

Stand up. Tighten your belt
Declare Jesus is Lord

1st - Let us Pray

"Oh! God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob of the Old Testament and God of salvation in the New Testament, let it still be clear today that you are God in the entire world. O h! God, give us revelation. Change the heart of the people who believe in idol. They should know that you are Lord. Oh! God, those who backslide must turn their hearts back to you. God! Reveal yourself. The multitude should know that you are the only God. See 1st King 19: 36-37.

Oh! God, we confess our confidence in you. You are our Rock. You give us peace. You are our garment of salvation and defense. Oh! God, we depend on you. See Psalm 62:5.

Oh! God, you are mighty. You are awesome. By the stripes of our Lord Jesus, we are healed. See Isaiah 53:5.

God of Heaven gives us success and we, your servants testify that you are our true God. See Nehemiah 2:20.

" It is not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of God." - See Zechariah 4:6.
"Who are you Mighty Mountain, before Zerubbabel? You are a level ground. "See Zechariah 4:7.
There is power in the name of Jesus. We command:" Peace for Jerusalem!" in the name of Jesus. See Psalm 122:6

Disciples of Jesus prayed continuously. We too must pray without ceasing and with thanks giving. We don't know what the future brings. Imitate Jesus; let us pray to be blessed. See 1st Thessalonians 5:17.

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