Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Learn raising kids from Hannah- mother of Samuel

I am just beginning. So, please give me time. There is an idiomatic expression:” Rome was not built in a day.” Meaning- it takes a long time to do an important job. Learn raising kids from Hannah- mother of Samuel 1170 years before the birth of Christ, an Israeli woman by the name Hannah lost hope to deliver a baby. Since, she had no kid, she prayed without ceasing. Hearing her prayer, God gave her a boy and rejoiced in the Lord, she called her little one, Samuel- meaning:” Heard of God.” Hannah loved her boy. She enjoyed him. She blessed him when she went out of her house. She blessed him when she came back to her house. She blessed him in the morning and she blessed him in the evening. The little one was not working to make money. He went nowhere, and because he had enough time and energy, he listened to her , everything she told him. Therefore; whenever; she weaned or fed him breast with milk; she told him that he belonged to the Lord. She told him how to study biblical scriptures. She told him stories about Moses, David, Samson, Deborah and Gideon. In synchronize with that, she meditated the Torah with him. She sang songs for the Lord with him and she praised the Lord with him, saying: Lord Al-Mighty! You, made me strong. Lord Al-Mighty! You, made me strong. I am glad with you. I am glad with you. No other god is like you. No other god is like you. Lord Al-Mighty! You, made me strong. Lord Al-Mighty! You, made me strong. I am glad with you. I am glad with you. No, other god is like you. No, other god is like you. After she sang and praised the Lord, Hannah gave Samuel to the Lord. While serving the House of God, Samuel, learned how to listen to the voice of God. Many parents are hard on their kids. Hannah was not. She loved him. She raised him properly, guiding, teaching and telling him, who Lord Al-Mighty is. See Ephesians 6:4. Apparently, therefore; at an early age, Samuel became the 1st internationally popular prophet, leader of ancient Israel, reformer of law and order beginning from the end of the Era of Judges to the Era of Kings. When it comes to the question of raising kids, Hannah is a model example. We learn a good lesson how to raise a wonderful kid from Hannah. We learn how to consecrate our kids to the Lord from Hannah. If we love our kids, let us learn from Hannah. Let us:”Teach our children right from wrong, when they are young, and when grown, they will still do right.” See Proverb 22:6. Molla Nigatu

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